Accidental Life

inspiration mindfulness motivation purpose Feb 06, 2023
Blog post: Accidental Life

As long as you’re alive, you will breathe and eat and sleep and perform a whole host of other relatively mindless behaviors. A good part of your waking life does not require extensive planning or commitment.

Here’s the part that nobody told me (and it’s possible that no one told you either):

You can spend your entire life in that same “auto” mode.

Take whatever classes are easiest, date whoever is available at the moment, take the first job that comes along and whichever pays the most after that.

Stay in your hometown. Stay in your forever circle of friends. Stay in the first job you happen to land, or the first career field you explore.

Stay in your comfort zone.

The Accidental Life

This is the accidental life; the path of least resistance, counting on luck and seniority to eventually – maybe – get you someplace better.

The accidental life works out for some people. The stress is low. Your relationship may be comfortable, if you have one. You might even be able to see some new places as you move to wherever the next higher-paying job is. If you can manage to live within your means you will probably get by, barring any changes in the political landscape or job-killing technology or disabling injuries, or family catastrophe.

If you have kids, they may model your behavior and learn how to play it safe as well. After all, trying can lead to disappointment and speaking up can get you “cancelled” and dreaming is for losers. “Work before pleasure.” (Because, you know, they are diametrically opposed, right?)

And they wouldn’t even notice, because that is how the “education” system programs them, to be good workers and not expect too much; to be employees and not employers.

There is one thing that can be said with certainty about the accidental life: it frequently ends with bitterness and regret. “If only I had seen more of the world, had a better life, provided more for my children, been more aware of the passage of time.” “It all went so fast, and now there is no time.” “I guess that kind of life is only for the rich and famous.”

The Truth

Nobody here gets out alive. This game is going to kill you, and in a few years no one will even remember your name.

So for God’s sake (or your own, if you don’t believe in God), choose your path! Replace the accidental life with mindful choices.

Think about who you want to be in this brief play.

Decide what you want to do while you’re here, and do whatever you have to do to make that happen. Then change it all up if you want, because in the long run it doesn’t matter – the only person you need to please is you.

Create your purpose – your destiny – and make goals to get you to that happy place. When you get there, make a new purpose and new goals.

Whatever you do, keep moving because time is coming up behind you.

It’s never too late.

Until it is.

As always, I welcome your thoughts. You can reach me through the comments section on my Substack or Medium accounts or the blog section on my website. If this article as of value to you, please follow my Instagram and Twitter accounts. And be sure to subscribe to my River Of Creation podcast – The Podcast for Creators! – coming later this year.

Be well; do good!

  • JWW

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