Jun 26, 2023
Success is the mindset, clarity and vibratory energy that allows you to pursue the highest good of which you can conceive.
This is a short summary of a long discussion. I explore this most important topic at length in my courses, seminars, masterclasses and retreats. In an article of this length, I can only introduce you to the principles and processes you need to consider when you pursue your own success.
Why Success?
Success is a highly subjective term; the typical definition varies from person to person and even at different times within the same person. The objective, inevitable correlates that come when you attain success, however, are constant.
The primary manifestations of success – health, freedom and happiness – are universal truths.
Refer again to our opening statement. Success is a mindset, a mental clarity and a vibratory frequency. Money and cars and houses and yachts and whatever material objects commonly come to mind are byproducts of success, not the primary objective.
An entrepreneur, a monk, a child and an octogenarian may define very different “ideal” outcomes in the external, material world. But none of them can achieve these secondary objectives unless their internal state is properly aligned and maintained.
The goal, then, is to gain the proper way of thinking and being (mindset); a singular focus, free of distraction (clarity); and an internal energy that allows you to align yourself with your highest good (we can most easily conceive of this as a “vibratory energy”).
How Do You Get There?
Each individual has a different personality and set of experiences. For this reason, the details of the path to success will vary from person to person. But there are common themes that almost everyone will encounter along the way.
To create an internal state aligned with success, you must
Understand Reality
This is commonly the most difficult of the initial tasks. We each develop a picture of the world that allows us to function, to do what we need to do to keep our mental and physical selves intact. Some of these constructs are accurate and adaptive; many are inaccurate and maladaptive. It can be challenging – to say the least – to identify and then discard ideas that represent the way we want the world to be. But you can’t move towards integration and success until you come to terms with the way the world actually is, and the way you actually are.
This step involves examination of some topics you may not normally think about. For instance:
Practical existentialism: We have a short, finite existence and no instruction manual on what to do while we are here. The task is to separate what we hope and believe to be true from what we actually know. The reward is a clear understanding of the human condition that frees us to be fearless and authentic.
Your personality: You are different from every other person who walks – or has walked – the earth. Even if you are an identical twin, there are things that the environment has done to differentiate you from your genetically identical counterpart. It is important that you take an objective view of the way you deal with the world to see how you think, feel and act. When you examine your personality, you can see yourself from a perspective that allows you to understand your unique way of being in the world. NOTE: This step goes far beyond the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that you may have encountered. The MBTI is an interesting way to group people into categories, but it is not a valid personality evaluation.
External forces: There are forces that we do not fully understand at work in the way you deal with life. Some people easily grasp these concepts, while others consider them to be purely conjecture. Consider this: If the orbit of the moon moves the oceans, do you believe that it has no influence on you? Did you know that you have a specific brain circuit that exists to change your behavior based on whether the sun is out or not? This is well-established basic biology and is important for you to understand when you are dealing with your own energy.
Speaking of which, you have to:
Understand Energy
Energy – especially as it relates to human emotion, drive, relationships and…yes, success, is a major factor in how you achieve what you want. It is also a factor that you can learn to protect and control. Broadly speaking, it is essential that you learn to enhance “positive” energy, protect yourself from “negative” energy, and understand how the energy found in nature and in other people can influence you.
One of the best ways to control your energy is to use
Directed Mindfulness
We can talk about very specific strategies and techniques in this regard, but some of the simplest, yet most powerful work involves the use of gratitude, authenticity and intent. The AHA moment here is the moment that you realize just how much power you have over your mindset. When you understand mindfulness, you understand that things don’t happen to you, rather you cause things to happen.
The Rest of the Story
Success work involves several steps to align your mindset, clarity and energy:
- Understanding the nature of success
- Learning what is within our control (HINT: It’s more than you think)
- “Deep work” modalities (clinical hypnotherapy, NLP, guided visualization, intentional meditation, Reiki, and much more)
- Adjunctive technology (energetic tools, crystal work, the sacred space, energy projection and more)
- The pros and cons of herbs, nootropics and other external factors in the regulation of your internal state.
This is a SUPER-brief overview of success work.
As important as it is, mastering your success is just a part of the ultimate life goal: finding your purpose.
I am going to offer more in-depth work later this year to make these concepts work for you. If you are interested, reach out to me through my social media, my blog, my newsletter, or the contact form on my website. All are linked below.
Thanks so much for reading – Here’s to your success!

As always, I welcome your thoughts. You can reach me through the comments section on my Substack or Medium accounts or the blog section on my website. If this article as of value to you, please follow my Instagram and Twitter accounts. And be sure to subscribe to my River Of Creation podcast – The Podcast for Creators! – coming later this year.
Be well; do good!
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