Creative types have a big responsibility: our audiences depend on us to deliver content that challenges, entertains and inspires. It is more difficult to create authentic, original ideas when we...
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Millions of people have bought Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret. If you don’t have a copy, I suggest you pick one up. I have never met Rhonda and I’m not affiliated with her...
How can you tell the difference between inspiration and distraction in a world that offers so much of each? I wouldn’t think to advise you about anything that I haven’t thought...
Why are humans are hardwired to create?
We – as a species – have been inveterate creators from the earliest cave paintings to cutting-edge technological innovations. We invent, we...
Everyone benefits from the things that creative people produce. But the heart of creation – the fragile dance of emotion and cognition that every creator knows – is rarely discussed....
Life isn’t a rehearsal where you can request a do-over. You don’t have the luxury to rehearse your lines until they are perfect. You’re living in real-time. This very minute, as...
Success is the mindset, clarity and vibratory energy that allows you to pursue the highest good of which you can conceive.
This is a short summary of a long discussion. I explore this most...
You are likely familiar with burnout; a state of mental, emotional and often physical exhaustion brought about by prolonged periods of stress. Let’s take a slightly different look at the...
You know the feeling. You’re not where you want to be and you can’t seem to move on to…anywhere. You’re just stuck.
You can be stuck anywhere. In relationships, in your...
“I don’t care.” We sound indifferent, even callous when we say it. It is difficult to imagine a positive connotation for this simple phrase that is used to imply consent...
This article on how to find your voice is an after-the-fact companion to my blog post Be Who You Are, which extolled the virtues of an authentic life. I have received many questions about how to...
Astronaut and test pilot Colonel Frank Bowman once described experience as it relates to aviators: A superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid situations which require the use of his...
At first glance it seems obvious, redundant. How could you not be who you are? Who else could you be?
The truth is far from simple. We are actors, manipulators, liars, in a world of actors,...
If you follow my Instagram or Twitter accounts, you will know that I use #HardcoreHappiness as a tag to organize my posts and those of like-minded others. Happiness is obviously desirable, but why...
“Full send,” “Go for it,” “Be all you can be.” What does it really mean to give 100 percent?
The concept is as old as human ambition, and has been co-opted by...