Everyone benefits from the things that creative people produce. But the heart of creation – the fragile dance of emotion and cognition that every creator knows – is rarely discussed....
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Why are humans are hardwired to create?
We – as a species – have been inveterate creators from the earliest cave paintings to cutting-edge technological innovations. We invent, we...
Life isn’t a rehearsal where you can request a do-over. You don’t have the luxury to rehearse your lines until they are perfect. You’re living in real-time. This very minute, as...
Success is the mindset, clarity and vibratory energy that allows you to pursue the highest good of which you can conceive.
This is a short summary of a long discussion. I explore this most...
You are likely familiar with burnout; a state of mental, emotional and often physical exhaustion brought about by prolonged periods of stress. Let’s take a slightly different look at the...