Creative types have a big responsibility: our audiences depend on us to deliver content that challenges, entertains and inspires. It is more difficult to create authentic, original ideas when we...
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“Today is a good day to die.” You have heard the phrase in numerous contexts, usually attributed to Native American culture. While the exact origin of the phrase is uncertain, I prefer...
Compassion: A Short Story
I do some part-time work as a professor and counselor at a local college, mainly to stay connected to the world of higher education that has been a part of my life for over...
I remember a time that I was perfectly content in my little house in my little home town. That was ages ago. I’ve been psychologically “running” for a long time now.
It happened...
The smell of the polish, the feel of the wood; after all these years it still brings me pleasure and no small amount of comfort to perform my ritual of preparation before I step on a stage or hit...
The older I get, the more I see the value of taking a longer view. When I was first learning to drive, my father told me to look farther down the road to keep me from weaving around. It was good...
The “P" word. The habit of procrastination is one of the great killers of productivity, self esteem and success in business and life.
Procrastination wastes our time, makes us feel bad about...
Millions of people have bought Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret. If you don’t have a copy, I suggest you pick one up. I have never met Rhonda and I’m not affiliated with her...
Who are you?
It’s the hardest question of all and the most important, especially for creative types.
We want the things we create to be noticed, to be of use to someone. For that to happen,...
Life isn’t a rehearsal where you can request a do-over. You don’t have the luxury to rehearse your lines until they are perfect. You’re living in real-time. This very minute, as...
You are likely familiar with burnout; a state of mental, emotional and often physical exhaustion brought about by prolonged periods of stress. Let’s take a slightly different look at the...
You know the feeling. You’re not where you want to be and you can’t seem to move on to…anywhere. You’re just stuck.
You can be stuck anywhere. In relationships, in your...
“I don’t care.” We sound indifferent, even callous when we say it. It is difficult to imagine a positive connotation for this simple phrase that is used to imply consent...
This article on how to find your voice is an after-the-fact companion to my blog post Be Who You Are, which extolled the virtues of an authentic life. I have received many questions about how to...
Astronaut and test pilot Colonel Frank Bowman once described experience as it relates to aviators: A superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid situations which require the use of his...